Everything is Marketing

Friday, 3 February 2006, 6:45 | Category : Uncategorized
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A recent post by Ross Dawson gave a link to a great article by David Maister, called “Marketing is a Conversation.” Of course my ears always perk up when I hear the word conversation in a business context. Work is conversation. Life is conversation and (of course) marketing is conversation. The article, co-authored by Lois Kelly summarize the importance of shifting the notion of communications in marketing toward genuine conversation, speaking and listening in a way that builds relatedness. The article includes some guidelines for creating and conducting effective conversations that hearken back to solid dinner-party conversation and story telling.

My partner, who has been in marketing for many years, looked over my shoulder for a moment while I was reading and said, “everything is marketing.” This “homely phrase” (often phrased around our home) is of course reference to Regis McKenna’s insights published in the early 90s (the book, Relationship Marketing, and the HBR article Marketing is Everything.”

Everything is marketing and marketing is everything. My inquiry for this year is about making networks (in saltwater or fresh) distinct and to explore how to express that networks are everything and that everything is a network and that links are conversations.

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5 Comments for “Everything is Marketing”

  1. 1David Maister

    Thanks for the kind words about the article. Isn’t the logical consequence of “everything is marketing and marketing is everything” the statement that “everything is everything”? (grin). Oh, boy, we all need help navigating our way through all this don’t we? Thanks for your contribution to the “map of the network.”

  2. 2Joseph

    Everything is everything is hard to argue with! The “marketing is everything” Patti refers to has more to do with the lens I see the world through than with logic. (For example, I see Karl Rove first as a marketer rather than as a politician.)

    Any navigation help appreciated!

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  4. 4Anonymous

  5. 5Anonymous

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